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My Very First Children’s Book


I know, I’ve been missing in action for quite some time now. I don’t know when the last time was that I actually took time out to sit and even look at this website. Life has been super crazy lately, but I have so many things to share with you all! Let’s start with this exciting little ditty.


Ok, so self proclaimed children’s author. You see our granddaughter Bella is going on her very first airplane ride tomorrow and her mama is a little nervous about how she is going to react. So I thought maybe I could help her out a bit and give her a little something to do while I was at it.

My idea was inspired by our little Stinkerbella’s trip but was brought on by a little 3 day course I was taking that challenged me into using my creative mind a bit more. I’ll share all about that course in another post at another time. Today I’m sharing a little about my book and where you can find your very own copy for your little adventurer.


I wrote the little story/coloring book based off the little graphics that I found at one of the websites I buy graphics from. With the purchase of these graphics comes a commercial license to use and sell anything I create with them. I did not draw the cute little illustrations, I’m just the author. Keepin’ it Kawaii is the illustration team behind the graphics. I like to be honest in my work and give credit where credit is due.



This book was written with the intention of being a keepsake. It’s 10 pages and has a few fill in the blank pages making the adventure goer the author. So if your looking for a keepsake for your very first airplane adventure or you know someone going on their very first airplane adventure well then look no further. This is a Love Travel and Adventures exclusive and will be sold at Connors Boutique. Copies will be available and listed in the shop by the end of the week.



Each book is printed off and put together by me personally. I take pride in what I’ve created and hope to come up with a few more special treats in time for your holidays. Until next time friends, you know the deal. Travel and fall in love, adventure awaits ❤️


We are on hold on the book for now due to the getting the rights and proper paperwork to print with the company I purchased the graphics from. But there are many more exciting things in the works in the writing department going on 😁

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